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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tip #27: Beat the Supermarket at their own Game!

Strategically placed signs, flashing coupon dispensers and displays play mind-tricks that make you buy more, spend more and make impulse buying almost irresistible:


  1. AT THE ENTRANCE:  Product posters can increase the likelihood that you'll buy the product.
  2. LOOK HIGH or LOW for HIDDEN SAVINGS:  There's a zone on the shelves where you're most likely to see merchandise.  It goes from slightly above eye level to about knee level. Look above and below that zone to discover bargains.
  3. AT THE END of AISLES:  Retailers place impulse items there because you're more likely to see them.
  4. AT THE BACK OF STORES:  Staples such as milk and eggs are way in the back.  You have to pass by or through several aisles to reach them, which means you'll probably make a few more unplanned buys.

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